Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the modern slavert and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 december 2020 for Leoprinting Limited.
We are committed to operating responsibly and with high ethical standards, particularly with regard to human rights issues and will not tolerate human trafficking, or other kinds of slavery, within our operations. We expect equally high standards from our suppliers.
Our policies on mondern slavery and human traffickingLeoprinting is committed to responsible supply chain management and our objective is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and strives for the best practice with regard to responsible supply chain management. We also expect our suppliers, contractors and their representatives to conduct all business activities in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Governance and related policiesLeoprinting’s approach to anti-slavery is aligned to several leoprintings policies to conduct and ethical behavior. Our corporate governance framework is designed to meet the best practice and to balance the needs of the company, our stakeholders, our customers, regulators and the market.
Leoprintings Anti-Slavery policy and its practical effectiveness is reinforced by several existing and aligned Leoprintings plocies, which includes:
- Corporate Governance Guidelines: This statement details the overall approach and implementation of the corporate governance framework for LeoGroup;
- Supplier Code of Conduct: these principles provide guidance for Leoprintings tendering and procurement practices globally, and includes Leoprintings commitment to responsible supply chain management;
- Code of Ethics and Business Conduct: This policy aims to establish and communicate a high ethical standard for officers, employees and contractors and that Leoprintings conducts its business fairly, impartially in an ethical and proper manner and in full compliance with all laws and regulations.
- Sustainability policy: this policy sets our our intention to be an exemplary corporate citizen.
As part of our regular Ethics training for both existing and new employees, Modern Slavert forms a part of the issues covered.
Modern Slavery risk assessementAs part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we continually identify, review and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains. Within our own operations we have concluded that on the basis that we are a UK employer subjected to UK employement protections and practices and the procedires we already have in place we have a low risk of modern slavery within our own operations. We will however keep this under review.
Within our supply chain we have determined it appropriate to contact all our suppliers to remind them of our Supplier Code of Conduct and inform them of our UK Anti-Slavery Policy in order to flag the risk and to seek to prevent modern slavery occurring in our supply chain. Any new supplier will be considered on a case basis to identify any steps that should be taken as we engage with them going forward.
Further steps
Looking forward we intend to take the following further steps to combat modern slavert and human trafficking:
- Continue to undertake anti-slavery and human trafficking training across our UK business;
- Keep our supply chain under review and as mentioned above review all new suppliers on acase by case basis;
- Look for ways to enhance further our supplier screening process;
- Monitor any need for further action
This Statement has been approved by the owner of Leoprinting Limited who will review and update it annually.
Menno Wibier
Director / Owner