
Picnic loves its customers and the world we all live in. And the cheerful online supermarket is more than happy to show it. Leoprinting helps Picnic deliver a beautiful message. With our creativity as an essential ingredient, we enhance and strengthen Picnic's identity and visibility – as a brand and as a reliable partner.

Corporate Identity

Identity as the Main Message

Every day, Picnic brings a smile to many Dutch households. The 'happiest online supermarket' is the solution that makes our busy days a little less hectic. No more last-minute trips to a crowded supermarket, no more lugging heavy grocery bags, just shopping via the app. Leoprinting gives Picnic's online presence a friendly and noticeable 'offline' face. With personalised wrapping paper, we turn every moment into a personal highlight. For customers, partners, AND employees.

Packaging that Surprises and Delights

Personalised wrapping paper gives Picnic's orders, thank-yous, and rewards a personal touch. Choosing this eye-catching packaging formula pays off in multiple ways. Higher customer satisfaction and better recognition lead directly and indirectly to more loyalty and greater visibility. Leoprinting makes wrapping, packaging, and unwrapping a celebration. Discover our solutions for ordering and shipping and give your relations a great experience. Every day again.

Your Identity, Remarkable

More and more brands are paying attention to presentation in detail – and it's no coincidence. With brand identity as a radiant business card, even an online supermarket like Picnic can win and bind customers, colleagues, and partners. Leoprinting makes your brand the topic of every conversation. Make yourself heard – in the best possible way. Contact us and discover more about our approach for convincing visibility.

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